E-Magazine June 2024

The Barry Team |

We hope this finds you and your family doing well and looking forward to warm summers days ahead! Below, you will find a link to Joe's May Market Update where he discusses emerging markets and increased demand for infrastructure development and natural recourses.

Additionally, this edition of the Barry E-Mag includes information on the value of gold, automakers in China and why you should not let politics sway your investment philosophy. Please contact our team if you have questions about the investment markets or your personalized wealth management strategy.

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Chart of the Month

Staying invested in the stock market over the long term, regardless of political shifts, can greatly benefit investors. Allowing political biases to influence investment decisions can lead to missed opportunities and lower returns. Focusing on longer-term outcomes and avoiding the temptation to time investment decisions around elections can help investors overcome market volatility and achieve better financial outcomes.

Investing Wisdom

"Forecasts of the future tell you more about the forecaster than the future."

- Warren Buffet

The Lighter Side of Investing

Employee Happenings

It was another busy month for the Barry Team!

  • Katherine Taylor celebrated her 10-year-anniversary with the firm on May 21st! Thank you for all you do for our clients and the team!
  • Kate Alves' son, Colby, graduated with honors from UMass Amherst. He plans to continue on to medical school in the fall. We are all very proud of all he has accomplished!
  • Whitney Holland and Julia Fluegel both celebrated their birthdays on May 22nd. Happy Birthday to both of you!
  • Whitney Holland attended a Women in Investing, Networking and Supporting ("WINS") event in Boston, where she was able to network with a number of women in the financial services industry.
  • Kate Alves, Liz Garvey and Whitney Holland attended a Fidelity Roundtable in Boston where they collaborated and discussed best practices with a group of women from local financial services firms.