E-Magazine February 2024

The Barry Team |

We hope this finds you and your family doing well and enjoying winter! In this newsletter, we discuss private equity firms seeking to return cash to investors, China’s attempt to lift confidence in the economy, and why luxury fashion is for the broke.  
Please contact our team if you have questions about the investment markets or your personalized wealth management strategy.

Best Regards,
The Barry Team

Chart of the Month

American securities have enjoyed a decade and a half of robust growth and the resultant flood of foreign and domestic capital. Investing in America has been the smart choice since at least the late 2000s, but that may be starting to change. 

Foreign markets with their low average P/E ratios and impressive growth potentials can make them a valuable addition to American securities in a portfolio, and their diversification potential should not be ignored.

This chart originally appeared here.

Investing Wisdom

“The four most dangerous words in investing are: ‘this time it’s different.’”

- Sir John Templeton

The Lighter Side of Investing

Employee Happenings

It was another busy month for the Barry Team!  

  • Beth Parker celebrated her six-year anniversary with the firm on January 22nd. Congratulations, Beth!
  • Kate, Whitney, Beth and Lauren had a great evening at the Boston Celtics' game.  Thank you to the team at First Trust for the invite! 

We hope everyone is looking forward to a wonderful year!